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Love Actually :: Scene #07 [ Scene #07 ] Peter: No surprises? // 놀래키는거 없지? Mark: No surprises. // 놀래킬 일 없어. Peter: Not like the stag night? // 총각파티때 같은 일 없지? Mark: Unlike the stag night. // 총각파티 안같을꺼야. Peter: Do you admit the Brazilian prostitutes were a mistake? // 그날 브라질 창녀들 부른거 잘못이라고 인정하지? Mark: I do. // 응. Peter: And it would've been much better if they'd not turned out to be men? // 걔네들이 남자로 변하지만 않았었으면 좋았을 수도 있었는데 말야.. 2005. 9. 30.
Love Actually :: Scene #06 [ Scene #06 ] man1: OK, you can stop there. Thanks. // 좋아요, 거기서 그만둬도 되겠어요. 고마워요. man2: I need a couple of orange gels. // 나 오렌지젤 두 개 필요햐.. Jack: By the way, he introduced me as John but everyone calls me Jack. // 말이 나왔으니 말인데, 그가 나를 존이라고 소개했지만, 모두들 나를 잭이라고 불러요. Judy: Oh, fine. Nice to meet you, Jack. He got me right, though. I'm just Judy. // 오, 네. 만나서 반가워요, 잭. 그사람이 내 이름은 그래도 제대로 알고있네요. 전 그냥 주디에요.. 2005. 9. 30.
Love Actually :: Scene #05 [ Scene #05 ] Colin: Best sandwiches in Britain. // 영국 최고의 샌드위치가 왔어요! Colin: Try my lovely nuts? // 내 방울(호두) 맛 좀 보실라우? -_- Colin: Beautiful muffin for a beautiful lady. // 아름다운 아가씨를 위한 아름다운 머핀이 왔어요! Colin: Morning, my future wife. // 좋은아침이네요. 내 미래의 부인이여~ 2005. 9. 30.
Love Actually :: Scene #04 [ Scene #04 ] Daniel: Karen, This is me again. I'm sorry, I literally don't have anybody else to talk to. // 카렌, 또 나야. 미안, 진짜 얘기할 사람이 없어서 그래 Karen: Absolutely. Horrible moment, right now. Can I call you back? // 지금 진짜 진짜 정신 없거든. 내가 나중에 전화하면 안되? Daniel: Of course. // 그래줘 Karen: Doesn't mean I'm not terribly concerned that your wife just died. // 그게 내가 너의 부인이 죽은 것에 대해 대단히 걱정하지 않고 있다는 말은 아니야. Danie.. 2005. 9. 28.
Love Actually :: Scene #03 [ Scene #03 ] Jamie: God, I'm so late. // 오잉.. 제대로 늦었는데.. Kataya: It's just round the corner, you'll make it. // 코앞인데 뭐, 제시간에 갈껴 Jamie: You sure you don't mind me going without you? // 니 안가고 내 혼자 가는거 안섭섭한거 확실하지? Kataya: No, really. I'm just feeling so rotten. // 진짜 안섭섭해. 그냥 좀 글킨하네. Jamie: I love you. // 사랑해. Kataya: I know. // 알아. Jamie: I love you even when you're sick and look disgusting. // 사.. 2005. 9. 27.
Love Actually :: Scene #02 [ Scene #02 ] Billy: ♪ I feel it in my fingers ♪ I feel it in my toes ♪ Feel it in my toes, yeah ♪ // ♪ 손 끝으로 느껴지네요 ♪ 발 끝으로 느껴지네요 ♪ 발 끝으로 느껴지네요, 예~ Love is all around me And so the... ♪ // 사랑은 방방곡곡에 그리고... Joe: I'm afraid you did it again, Bill. // 또 그랬는데, 빌 Billy: It's just I know the old version so well, you know. // 글세 그게 말이삼.. 내가 옛날 버전에 너무 익숙해서 그래.. 음.. Joe: Well, we all do. That's why we're.. 2005. 9. 27.
Love Actually :: Scene #01 [ Scene #01 ] (Man): 'Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrival's gate at Heathrow airport. // 언제고 세상의 시름에 우울해 질때면, // 나는 히드로공항의 도착 출구를 생각한다. General opinion started to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. Seems to me that love is everywhere. // 사람들은 우리가 사는 이 세상이 증오와 욕심들로 만들어져 있다고 생각하기 시작했지만, // 난 그렇게 보지 않는다. 내가 보기에 사랑은 어느.. 2005. 9. 25.
[ 비트박스의 달인 ] 간만의 한글 포스팅! 싸이홈피 이쪽저쪽 돌아다니다가, 2년전인가 보고 정말 놀랐었던...... 동영상 하나를 다시 보게 되었다. 세계 비트박스 선수권(?) 대회 일인자라던가? 이사람의 비트박스를 보고 있노라면, 굳이 악기가 필요할까 싶을 정도다. 특히 중점적으로 보아야 할 부분이, 동영상 후반부의 비트와 코러스가 같이 입에서 뿜여져 나오는 신기한... 장면.......... -_-;;;; (The Beat and The Chorus and The Same Time) 한참 음반작업에 열을 올리던 2년전 어느 겨울. 이넘 따라해보겠다고, 지용이형과 작업실 이쪽저쪽을 침으로 도배하던 기억이 문득 난다. (결국 지용이형은 해내셨던 기억이... ㅎㅎ) 모든게 그리운 탓에, 요즘은 뭔가 추억거리가 하나 떠오르면, .. 2005. 9. 25.
in Evidence :: 24th Sept 2005 Pleasure of improvements are sweet. I can feel it, so it makes me feel much better better better happy. By the way, if I consider when I was high-school student, even though I was very weak at English, but I really enjoyed Math. Actually, it's different between I was good at something and I was interested in something, but if I was interested in English, my life would...... It's not important. T.. 2005. 9. 24.
about Short-Lived Resolve :: 23th Sept 2005 Do English people have any proverb about resolve as 작심삼일(作心三日)? My stupid dictionary answered my question by saying that it is a resolution good for only three days or a short-lived resolve. I feel very happy, because I made up my mind to study some grammar using grammar book 5 days ago, and I have kept it so far. I didn't use to keep the resolve what is especially about learning English, but I'.. 2005. 9. 24.
The thing what I get used to something. I mustn't "get stuck in a rut" doing all the things I'm used to doing/am familiar with.This includes people, habits, attitudes and study. I need to cahnge. Change usually means growth and developement, but sometimes it can cause frustration or stress, and occasionally I need to be prepared to cope with that. I was totally shocked at myself, who wanted to change, the other day. What a Shame! I wa.. 2005. 9. 22.
I've got lots of time to improve my English. :: 20th Sept 2005 The thinking I'd like to do a test about grammar just came to my head, and I did it. When I did this test before, I scored twenty-nine. Even though I improved only as six point, but I'm not disappointed. I think I've just started to improve, and I've got lots of time to improve my English. Please Be Looking Forward to It!!! 2005. 9. 21.
"My Most Memorable Experience in My London Life" I came across this Jazzbar, called 'The Spice of Life' near Leicester Square, about four months ago, I visited it with my friends, who study with me at Oxford House College, on a school social event. But that time I didn't realise that I could play some musical instruments there, and I just saw that they held gigs. // 내가 레스터스퀘어 근처의 재즈바-The Spice of Life-를 만난 것은 넉달 전으로, 학교 친목도모이벤트에 참가하기 위한 목적이었다... 2005. 9. 18.
Happy Birthday to Me!! :: 15th Sept 2005 Today, 15th, SEPT, is my twenty-fifth birthday, but actually I'm not quite happy. I just feel a little groomy because I can't meet my girl-friend, family and old friends for party or fun. Even though I have few friends here, they can't instead of all of them. A bright spot in this situation is some foreign friends of mine make me feel happy. For example, Antony wanted to make some cakes for me e.. 2005. 9. 15.
The SNOW WHITE -_-;; 2005. 9. 9.
IFSEC 전시회 관람기 2005년 5월 18일. 버밍햄에서 열린 전시회에 갔다가 찍은 사진들이다. 전공이 전공이다보니 그많은 전시품들 중에 자동차 번호판 관련된것만 뚫어져라 보고오긴 했지만(사실 그나마 그거도 다 못보고 왔다.) 정말 내가 우물안 개구리구나~ 라는 생각을 절실하게 갖게 해준 전시회였다. 사진 편집 덕분에.. 전시회를 돌이켜보며, 이런 전시회는 생길 때 마다 돈을 주고라도 찾아 댕겨야 겠다는 생각이 들었으며, 내가 얼마나 공부를 더 많이, 얼마나 더 많은 생각을.. 창출해 내어야 되는지.. 얼마나 반성해야 되는지에 대해... 다시 한 번 생각해 보게 되었다. [ 위 사진을 클릭하면 모든 사진을 볼 수 있습니다. ] 2005. 9. 8.
Sunny's Last Day, and... :: 23rd, July, 2005 That day was Sunny's last day in London. // 그날은 런던에서 보내는 선정이의 마지막 날 She cook some Korean food for us, and we went to the Cock. // 그녀는 우리를 위해 몇가지 한국음식을 선사했고, 우리는 같이 콕펍엘 갔다. Ellie Esher, Sunny, Ellie Ellie, Mamdooh, Hanif Esher, Sunny, Ellie, and Eun-young That day, Sunny was quite busy. Which means she left early. I met another friends in front of Cock after she left. // 선정이는 다른사람들에게 인사를 하기위해 일찍 .. 2005. 8. 30.
Leith Hill with Alan :: 18th, July, 2005 The Place where is the heightest Hill in South East England. ↑↑↑ If you click this photo, you can see all of photos. ↑↑↑ // 사진을 클릭하면 모든 사진을 볼 수 있습니다. 2005. 8. 30.
The SCENE of Terror in London :: 8th, July, 2005 Next day when there was a bomb-terror in London, I went the scene of terror. Even though I thought it was a bit dangerous, I wanted to understand exactly that Londoner's thinking. // 런던에 폭탄테러가 있던 다음날, 나는 테러현장엘 갔었다. 뭐 위험하다는 생각은 했지만, 워낙 사고가 맘에 안와닿아서 택한 결정이었다. As it happens, I could see some paper that announced someone's missing on the wall when I had just arrived there. // 공교롭게도, 그곳에 도착하자마자 벽에 붙어.. 2005. 8. 30.
Anthony (안토니) with Anthony, my Bodyguard. 2005. 8. 20.
Les Miserables :: 15th, AUG, 2005 Yesterday was the 60th anniversary day of Liberation of Korea, but people who were here only mentioned the ending of the second world war or the defeat of Japan. So many Korean people were able to enjoy a holiday I did too., although I'm not in Korea. After school, I went to a Korean Karaoke. Actually it's been ages since I did that and I really really really wanted to do it again. I went crazy .. 2005. 8. 17.
"How about 'K'??" at Jazzbar :: 9th, AUG, 2005 At Jazz bar, called Spice of Life. It's my turn. Egol, guitarist, asked me which chord did you want? "How about 'K'?" We started to play some funky music with jokes and grin like that. 2005. 8. 10.
memories.. (English Ver.) memories.. Do you still remember when, smiling shyly, I declared my love. Have you forgotten so soon the words "I love you"? Sometimes I glimpse the faint outline of your face reflected in the sunny window. I yearn to cry out-to encompass that love which is you even though you cannot hear me. I sing continually-my heart a flutter in the expectation that you will come to me. Words fail me as I st.. 2005. 8. 7.
Carbonara Day~ :: 1st, July, 2005 Silvia(3rd from left) prepared Carbonara which is Italian traditional spagetti, that's why she wanted to open a small farewell party for Keiji(1st from left) who likes Carbonara very much. Keiji, Japanese Ellie, Korean / Silvia, Italian All of us, photo by Hye Jin, Korean Actually, it wasn't Silvia's house. She lent that house from her friend whilst we had dinner, because she though that we need.. 2005. 7. 26.
23rd, July :: Thinking in slack afternoon photo by acaran 2005. 7. 23.
Martin - Brilliant Drummer :: 12th, July, 2005 Finally, I was playing drums at the Jazz bar, called Spice of Life which I usually visit when there are good gigs. It's quite fantastic experience to me. I actually didn't want to play drums on that particular day, because I just wanted to see other people who were playing drums as well, but my patience had worn out.... So, I wrote down my name on the list, and I was waiting my turn. At last my .. 2005. 7. 17.
Dilara's last day :: 8th, July, 2005 with Classmates(Dilara : right-top) Already it's July. Time flies! I usually have to see off those who are leaving from school or London whilst I am still here. Even if I feel sad, that's understandable for someone who is remaining.. Anyway, that day, 8th, was my Turkish friend Dilara's last day, so I brought my camera as usual(Actually I don't take it with me these days). Even if we only take j.. 2005. 7. 15.