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The SHADOW of the WIND

by K. Martin 2006. 11. 22.
The SHADOW of the WIND
Hidden in the heart of the old city of Barcelona is the 'Cemetery of Forgotten Books', a labyrinthine library, a man brings his ten-year-old son, Daniel, one cold morning in 1945. Daniel is allowed to choose one book and from the dusty shelves pulls The Shadow of the Wind by Julian Carax. But as Daniel grows up, several people seem inordinately curiosity turns into a race to find out the truth behind the life and death of Julian Carax and to save those he left behind.
바르셀로나의 오래된 도시의 심장부에 숨겨진 '잃어버린 책들의 무덤'이라 불리는 미궁의 도서관에, 1945년의 어느 추운 아침, 한 남자가 10살된 그의 아들 다니엘을 데리고 왔다. 아버지는 다니엘에게 니가 원하는 책을 한 권 골라보라고 하였고, 또한 오늘의 모든 이야기는 그 누구에게도 말하지 말라고 당부했다. 다니엘은 먼지 쌓인 책장에서 Julian Carax의 책 The Shadow of the Wind (바람의 그림자)를 고르게 된다. 그러나 다니엘이 커가면서, 주변 몇몇 사람들이 보인 과도한 호기심은 Julian Carax의 삶과 죽음에 숨겨진 진실을 알게 되고 그것을 얻기 위한 경쟁으로 치닫는다.

I bought this book to spend useful the last time in London Nov. 2005, and today, finally, I have seen the last page of this book.
런던 생활의 마지막을 보람되게 보내기 위해 큰맘먹고 읽기 시작한 책.
2005년 11월 초에 구매하여, 만 1년여 만에 다 읽은 것이다! 두둥.
뭐 사실 읽었다는 느낌보단, 넘겼다는 느낌이 더 큰건 사실이지만.

The SHADOW of the WIND

At first, it was so difficult to go to the next page, and even though I read some I can not remember the story just after I pass over the previous page.

But, after few days, I realized that it is same as reading Korean Books. I do not even know the mean of all words, and I can not remember the story when I read a Korean Books, neighter.

After I realized that, I can concentrate at reading 'The Shadow of the Wind' every day when I was in subway to go to school and go back home.

At last, I finished reading and I feel pride in my patience.

Maybe I need to read once or twice more to understand all story detaily. But I have known the big storyline to discuss that book, and I satisfy that at the moment.

Anyway, I will read 'The Shadow of the Wind' again in a few weeks.
At that time, I really looking forward to readig/ understanding/ remembering that very well.